Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep

About the Product

An efficient, fast solution that yields highly accurate data

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep offers a rapid and flexible workflow for preparing libraries for use in sensitive whole-genome sequencing applications, such as human whole-genome sequencing (WGS), de novo assembly of microbial genomes, and tumor–normal variant calling.

Our Products

We Provide Various Solutions


The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep workflow supports a broad DNA input range, multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots.

  • Reduces cost by eliminating pre- and post-library quantification steps
  • Provides highly uniform coverage across repetitive or uneven genome regions
  • Delivers fast, automation-compatible workflow in 90 min

Simplify lab operations

The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep workflow supports a broad DNA input range, multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots.

Obtain reliable results

On-bead tagmentation chemistry combined with PCR-free library preparation eliminates PCR-induced bias and diminishes opportunities for error, providing superior and even coverage across high-GC or -AT regions. Learn more about on-bead tagmentation.

Access flexible throughput

The Illumina DNA/RNA UD Indexes Sets offer up to 384 unique dual indexes, enabling accurate assignment of reads and efficient use of the flow cell.



  • Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep



  • MiSeq System
  • NextSeq 1000 and 2000
  • Systems
  • NovaSeq 6000 System
  • NovaSeq X Series



  • DRAGEN secondary analysis
  • DRAGEN Germline
  • DRAGEN Somatic
  • DRAGEN PopGen
  • Emedgene
 Illumina DNA PCR-Free PrepIllumina DNA PrepTruSeq DNA PCR-FreeTruSeq DNA Nano

Assay time

 ~1.5 hr~3-4 hr (from DNA extraction to normalized library)5 hr total assay time
~6 hr total assay time

Automation capability

 Liquid handling robots
Liquid handling robots
Liquid handling robots
Liquid handling robots

Automation details

 Explore available automation methodsExplore available automation methodsExplore available automation methodsExplore available automation methods


 Prepare sequencing libraries for sensitive applications using a unique combination of on-bead tagmentation with PCR-free chemistry which simultaneously eliminates PCR-induced bias and reduces total library prep time to 90 minutes.
A fast, flexible library prep workflow that accommodates an assortment of sample types and DNA input amounts, allowing access to a wide range of applications, from human to microbial whole-genome sequencing and more. 
A simple, all-inclusive PCR-free prep for whole-genome sequencing studies with the ability to sequence through challenging regions of the genome.
A low-input research method that delivers high genome coverage quality and reduced bias.



This webinar discusses the library preparation workflow and sequencing considerations and provides tips for successful next-generation sequencing projects.


Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep chemistry

A unique combination of on-bead tagmentation with a PCR-free workflow in a single, rapid reaction.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep coverage uniformity

The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep provides uniform coverage across a range of GC content in the human genome.

Comparison of read coverage across GC-rich regions

The Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep kit provides superior read coverage across the GC-rich promoter region of the human RNPEPL1 gene, as compared to TruSeq DNA PCR-Free and TruSeq DNA Nano Library Prep Kits.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep performance across a range of DNA inputs

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep libraries prepared from a range of DNA inputs demonstrate (A) passing quality specifications for all DNA inputs and (B) equivalent callability performance.

Increased insert size with additional bead purification

An additional round of bead purification results in increased insert sizes (gray and yellow lines), as compared to the unmodified protocol (blue and orange lines).